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Cupping / Gua Sha

30 min
50 British pounds
Chilterns Lifestyle Centre, Chilterns Spa & Wellness, Chiltern Avenue

Service Description

Cupping is a technique used throughout Asia and also historically in the Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and European countries to move blood and Qi, and expel pathogens from the body. Cups are placed onto the skin after creating a vacuum within them. They are often used in musculoskeletal conditions. Furthermore it can help with eczema, cough, early symptoms of flu. The patient should not experience pain, just a warm, stretching or pulling sensation on the skin. Normally there will be slight redness or a ring mark after the treatment, which will fade within 10 days.

Cancellation Policy

Please note that appointment fees are chargeable in full at my discretion if cancellations are made less than 24 hours prior to the appointment, or if you fail to come for your appointment.

Contact Details

  • Acupuncture Polyclinic, Chiltern Spa & Wellness, Chiltern Avenue, Amersham, UK


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